


射孔行业曾经由聚集在芝加哥和宾夕法尼亚的众多小公司组成。这些商店最初是为了满足农业设备和(特别是在宾夕法尼亚)采矿部门的需要而成立的。但几十年来,这个行业发生了变化。穿孔过程本身已经被视为一种商品服务,这反过来导致了巩固。今天,只有少数几家大型公司仍然存在,其中一家是精确射孔(AP),总部位于芝加哥,拥有200名员工。亚博ag捕鱼但大约十年前,美联社开始走上一条新的道路。经理们不希望公司只生产穿孔的纸。他们想要制造并组装这张纸,把它做成更大更复杂的东西。如今,这家公司不再只是打洞;这是关于制造原始设备制造商可以很容易地放入其最终组装件的组件,而承包商可以快速安装到建筑物上。这与该公司70年前的情况大不相同,当时一个名叫拉尔夫·科恩(Ralph Cohen)的废品小贩爱上了打孔——不是为了打孔过程中产生的填洞纸,而是为了这些纸留下的东西。在1942年创办美联社之前,科恩对蛞蝓的热爱并没有成为一名穿孔者的意图。他陶醉在交易中——低价买进废料,高价卖出——他最大的废料来源恰好是芝加哥周围的穿孔屋。“He was always a peddler at heart, and he became fascinated with his perforating clients because of the amount of scrap that they generated,” said Aaron Kamins, Cohen’s grandson (on his mother’s side), who took over as president 10 years ago. “He fell in love with the byproduct—the slugs that he would get from the perforators, and he said, ‘You know, I could develop those slugs myself.’ So he put in his first machine to generate those slugs.”During the early years the perforation work complemented Cohen’s primary scrap business, but over the years this gradually shifted more toward perforation. AP moved into its current facility in 1952 and remained a small enterprise for decades. Then in 1982 managers jumped on an opportunity to purchase Standard Perforating, a competitor just a few miles away that had just undergone a labor dispute with its union and was struggling financially. AP moved Standard Perforating’s employees and machines over to its own facility. “That basically doubled the size of the business overnight,” Kamins said, adding that in 2002 AP purchased another Chicago-based perf house, Semrow Perforated Products. (Go tohttp://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...为了看到更多的“爱的Slugs”),在Fabriagics上立足到几十年的AP已经进行了剪切 - 它不是日常剪切过程。一些剪切在连接到压制控制的单独站中自动发生,因为纸张从模具中出现,例如每个面板是不同尺寸的工作,每个面板在边缘周围具有更省略的边距,需要一个二次剪切过程。A technician places pins in the last row of perforations, which stick up and allow the shearing operator to gauge off the edge of the perforation (the critical dimension) and not the edge of the blank.Besides shearing, though, the company’s fabrication offering in the 1990s wasn’t extensive, and it certainly didn’t include comprehensive assembly or welding services. Between 2000 and 2005, Mike Beck, director of architectural and engineered sales, and new product development, helped bring in machines to expand AP’s capabilities. “Our existing customer base’s demand for fabrication was really growing,” he said.Then in early 2005 came a phone call that accelerated the company’s push into fabrication. It was a contractor for the new American Airlines World Gateway terminal at JFK, and he had a problem. The new concourse had thousands of perforated ceiling panels. The perforations weren’t terribly unusual—0.125-inch-diameter holes punched in 0.050-in.-thick aluminum; the holes’ staggered orientation (lining up horizontally but not vertically) aided noise reduction and airflow.Fit-up between the panels was critical, and this was what the contractor called about. Thousands of panels had arrived at the site, perforated and with edges flanged, but when they were installed, some bowed slightly. Many panels had dimensions that weren’t exactly what they should have been, and this wreaked havoc on fit-up. On top of all this, many panels arrived at the site severely damaged.The contractor sprung the question: Could AP provide dimensionally accurate perforated panels? One more thing—the grand opening is just 90 days away.AP dove into the job, manufacturing 17,000 panels with acoustic backing material and the proper perf patterns that ensured noise reduction and proper airflow. It worked with a corrugated box manufacturer on packaging so the panels would arrive at JFK without a scratch.Most significant, at least when it comes to the company’s evolution, was AP’s work with Advanced Display, a precision sheet metal fabricator in Chicago. At the time, the fabricator focused on the point of purchase (POP) display industry (hence the fabricator’s name), but contracted with different companies as well, including AP.Advanced Display had the precision press brakes and forming expertise this job required, plus the capacity to manufacture the panels within the short lead-time required. The 2- by 5-foot perforated panels required a tight dimensional tolerance in length, width, and edge-flange depth.Working together, AP and Advanced Display churned out 170,000 square feet of perforated panels, fabricating and painting them on time to be painted and installed before the grand opening in July 2005, when then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke below the space-age, dramatically white ceiling of the new Terminal 9. (Go tohttp://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...为了看到更多的“制造中的脚跟”)在水平上,由于穿孔压榨机在一个击中一个模具中产生大面积的孔,往往均匀地分配压力,但不平等的应力仍然存在,这导致失真。板材为0.25英寸。厚度从Perf Press出现,几乎处于半月形的形状。“它卷曲了整个表,”亨利克森说:“但它均匀卷曲。”在炮塔打孔机上制作孔密集型图案,技术人员可以尝试通过冲压在纸张的不同区域,从而远离和移动朝着夹子。它们使用改变RAM的接近速度的机器功能,或者在冲头接触板表面之前使用剥离器将工件保持在适当位置。所有这些都有助于分配冲压力引起的压力。一切都一样,对于许多工作来说,仍然存在失真。这个原因,该公司通过七个高动力HERR-VOSS斯坦科精密平整器中的一个来发送所有穿孔和其他空穴密集型工作,均衡压力生产平坦的穿孔板。平整仪处理0.012-〜0.312-In的所有内容。纸张(虽然厚度能力取决于材料类型)。“我们对材料进行了很大的压力,”Kamins说:“但我们有一种方法可以拿出压力。”“它需要一个厚厚的U形板块, even stainless steel, that looks like we never could use it,” Henrikson said. “We send it through our CNC levelers, and it comes out perfectly flat.”This has allowed the company to tackle holemaking work that couldn’t be done without subsequent leveling. The leveling also makes the punched blanks consistently flat for downstream forming and assembly, especially for the component work that flows through Accurate Metal Fabricating. (Go tohttp://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...要查看更多的“小学阶层”)数量的考虑因素来制作洞,很难击败一个流行的新闻的生产力。“在每次中风上,我们可以冲到1,600洞,”卡辛说。“你不能用任何其他技术做到这一点。”“这是高速冲压,”贝克说。“我们的PERF压力机每分钟300次运行。”通过25个穿孔压力机在其地板上乘以这一点,并且您可以获得大量的集成容量。使用这样的吞吐量,穿孔压力茁壮成长。CNC压力机可以执行跳过馈送,留下截面的截面,无需。有些工具可以阻挡打孔,以在PERP图案中制作正方形或矩形切口。但对于大多数情况而言,该过程的甜点是一致的孔模式。高卷的小型制动器进入Perf压力机;低批量的小型工作进入炮塔打孔机 - 但介于两者之间的卷怎么样?“对于某些应用程序,亚博应用如果我们在炮塔上捕获一份炮塔的工作,那么我们就不会有足够的时间,”贝克说。 “A job may call for 150 sheets, and each one would take about two hours on the turret press, simply because of the number of holes. And we have just five turret presses.” (Go tohttp://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...要查看更多的“数量考虑”)与Holesmany OEM和Pop客户的品牌已经接近了AP关于将其品牌标志设计成穿孔板的方式。AP employed programmers experienced in hole-intensive jobs on the turret punch press, and programming logo shapes, while intricate, wasn’t a major challenge for them.As Kamins recalled, “After we did this, several clients came to us with a picture and asked, ‘Can you punch this?’”Kamins added that the request evolved into a service AP now calls Picture-Perf, in which the company punches holes in a pattern that creates a logo, graphic, or picture.“We saw similar things done in different ways before,” said Beck. “So we asked, ‘What if we use different-sized holes with different open areas and spaces between those holes?’”The pattern can be small, in the corner of one panel on a POP display, or cover a building facade. For the new apartment complex in downtown Chicago, AP is providing 51 panels, each 5 by 13 ft., that when assembled depict a giant picture of the Greek Parthenon. (Go tohttp://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...多年前,总部位于芝加哥的precision Perforating公司的每个操作员都换了不同的冲床,但大约三年前,该公司开始持续改进。亚博ag捕鱼现在操作人员在标准化的快速换模(QDC)流程下工作。维修站工作人员在上一趟作业完成之前对工具进行调试,并帮助作业者进行转换作业。建筑工程销售和新产品开发总监迈克·贝克(Mike Beck)表示:“我们制作了工具柜,这样操作所需的所有工具都放在那里。”“操作员不再需要走两步按下键盘,然后说,‘嘿!约翰尼,我需要一把扳手。’”(去http://www.thefabricator.com/article/punching/oging-beyond-commodity-she ...要查看更多“perf press qdc”)